Gmail sending limits

Gmail Limits for Sending Email. I am only able to send 200 emails by Gmail in 24 hours. I was trying to use my other Gmail account but I am not able to edit my email account on Dubb. Any ideas on how to change it?

Hi @00homes, I looked into your account and saw that your daily limit is set to 1000 emails per day. You may opt to click the recycle icon to re-send the failed attempts.

You can also check this support article to know how to add a new configuration: How to Configure Google Gmail to Campaign Sender | Dubb Help Center

Gmail SMTP has a built in sending limit of 3000 per month which is about 100 per day (rollover). Also depending on the age/usage of your Gmail this may be restricted further, if you are on a free gmail, or have been marked as spam, etc.