How to implement, embed, and have the CTAs show on my embedded pages on my site

A Dubb user sends this question in our Sales & Marketing Community FB Group:

I had to laugh, I just watched the “How to tell the story of your brand in 3 minutes” and the part about “Find the gold nuggets” :slight_smile: The reason I laughed is THAT IS what I sell! Gold nuggets and Gold paydirt! hehe.
I have recorded 15 videos today, all for my funnel, now figuring out how to implement, embed, and have the CTAs show on my embedded pages on my site (not sure yet if that’s possible)!

The way I’be been doing it is to download the video and upload them to the website.

One of the benefits of Dubb is the ability to create a landing page per CTA and gain the analytics for the traffic. I know that it’s more than that as well.